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The Health Finance Institute
9 min read
Promising tools to close the NCD financing gap
How blended finance can mitigate investment risks to attract private funds for healthcare, especially focused on NCDs.

Vanessa Peberdy—Switzerland
4 min read
How universal health coverage makes SDGs doable
Universal Health Coverage promises to leave no one behind, but not without sustained investment of funds and political will.

Annonciata Byukusenge—Rwanda
6 min read
Education is Rwanda's best weapon against bilharzia
An awareness drive aims to protect Rwandan people¬ from bilharzia, a disease caused by a parasitic worm found in freshwater.

Bertrand Byishimo—Rwanda
4 min read
Just a reminder: Seven years left to beat NTDs
They are among the easiest to prevent and treat, yet this group of 20 ‘Neglected’ Tropical Diseases claim thousands of lives, especially...

Jo Waters—United Kingdom
8 min read
Where are the women leaders in global healthcare?
Women make up 70% of the healthcare workforce but continue to be led by men. Why aren’t more women leading the health sector?

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
Combating endometriosis: The overlooked disease
What can be done to better raise awareness about endometriosis and help women cope with this chronic condition.

Becky McCall — United Kingdom
9 min read
Medical gaslighting takes a toll on women’s health
Medical gaslighting of women’s health concerns has serious repercussions. It is time to reset the healthcare mindset.

Hannane Ferdjani — Côte d'Ivoire
7 min read
Can femtech erase gender bias in medical care?
Technology-driven products help more women access healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa, even as they pinpoint the systemic gender biases.

Re:solve Global Health
2 min read
Editor's letter
Dear readers and health advocates, We are excited to launch our new special report focusing on closing the gender health gap. Why focus...

Jyotsna Singh — India
9 min read
Patients turn advocates for treatment of rare diseases
Overlooked by clinicians, corporates and governments, patients with rare diseases are self-advocating for their right to health and care.

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
Let’s talk Climate Change & Health
In this episode, we speak to Rajat Jain, manager of projects at DakshamA Health, an Indian NGO that aims to empower patients and...

Brian Mastroianni — US
9 min read
Addressing disparities in trans healthcare
Locked out by stigma, transphobic politics and inequity, trans people around the world struggle to access quality and timely healthcare.

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
(ES) Prevención de la mortalidad materna en Latinoamérica
Para nuestro primer episodio en español, invitamos a las doctoras Ana Múnera y Claudia Almonte, que han estado trabajando para crear más...

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
Preventing maternal mortality in Latin America
What are the challenges that mothers in Latin America must face? And how do we re:solve them? We are joined by Dr. Johanna Contreras,...

Becky McCall — United Kingdom
8 min read
Should health checks be mandated for all?
General health checks play a vital role in preventative care, saving lives and money. Yet, most healthcare budgets rarely prioritise them.

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
Where are we today in hitting the UNAIDS 2030 AIDS target?
Today, we are joined by Dr. Ernest Darkoh-Ampem from BroadReach group, a globally recognized leader in healthcare management. Among his...

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
A new way of measuring corporate action towards healthier societies
This episode focuses on ensuring social corporate responsibility through a metric system that will be rolling out in Q1 2023. Health...

Re:solve Global Health
1 min read
Let's talk long COVID's impact on global health
For our first episode, we dig into long COVID. For most, coronavirus (COVID-19) feel better within a few days or weeks of their symptoms...

Andrea Chipman — United Kingdom
9 min read
Training a workforce to meet Africa’s healthcare needs
African countries are in need of an agile and skilled health workforce that can make optimum use of scarce resources, especially in rural...

Omar Khan, Andrea Feigl, Jenna Patterson, and David Watkins
16 min read
Blending resources to fund the NCD fight in LMICs
As low- and middle-income countries struggle to tackle the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, targeted deployment of ‘blended...
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