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Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
How personality traits shape attitudes to vaccination
Emerging research shows personality and psychosocial factors impact influenza vaccination rates in surprising ways.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Why vaccination adherence is higher before discharge
Due to the heightened focus on vaccination, patients with cardiovascular disease are now more willing to receive influenza vaccination.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Making the case for universal flu vaccination
In the US, influenza vaccination is recommended for the entire population, while in some others countries it is limited to at-risk groups.

Teresa Tseng — the US & Sean Lybrand - Switzerland
5 min read
Healthy minds for healthier hearts
Chronic illnesses often lead to poor mental health, and in the case of heart disease it can worsen the condition.

Becky McCall - United Kingdom & Bob Kirsch - United States
9 min read
Landmark discoveries with staggering impact
As long ago as 550 BC, Chinese philosopher Confucius told us to “study the past if you would define the future.” In that spirit FORESIGHT...
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