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Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
How personality traits shape attitudes to vaccination
Emerging research shows personality and psychosocial factors impact influenza vaccination rates in surprising ways.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Putting heart into vaccination decision-making
Myriad factors influence a patient’s decision to receive influenza vaccination, which is seen to promote cardiovascular health.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Why vaccination adherence is higher before discharge
Due to the heightened focus on vaccination, patients with cardiovascular disease are now more willing to receive influenza vaccination.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Making the case for universal flu vaccination
In the US, influenza vaccination is recommended for the entire population, while in some others countries it is limited to at-risk groups.

Angela Tufvesson — Hong Kong
3 min read
Spreading the word on influenza vaccination
The link between influenza vaccination and heart health is clear. Vaccines, tailored formulations, and collaborations can improve outcomes.
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